our work
Awe is always busy with educating but in two different ways.
educating children worldwide with the aaf innovation club &
educating people in the global south how to start a social business.
All to change the course of the problems around the world, on site and from a distance.
Only together we can change the course of the world.

social impact power
We educate and empower globally to increase social businesses and decrease problems. Let’s focus on independence, local ownership and long term change.

all about the future
we raise awareness. about things that happened in the past, happen now or need to happen in the future. we do this by art, our aaf innovation club and by supporting projects that raise awareness.
Vision & Mision
AWE empowers lokale initiatieven in de global south en creëert bewustzijn over de wereld.
AWE Foundation believes in mutual understanding world wide, development work that is community led and that empowerment starts with professions with social changes.
Raad van Toezicht
De leden van de Raad van Toezicht ontvangen geen beloning anders dan een vergoeding voor gemaakte onkosten. De namen van de raad van toezicht zijn te vinden op onze website.
Directie en personeel
Er is momenteel geen personeel in dienst van de AWE Foundation. De directeur van de Stichting werkt onbezoldigd en op vrijwillige basis als directeur.